"At this point I must say I'm pretty confused. I'm pretty confused on how do I..."
If you are reading this, then you have probably already heard about the one of the newest kids on the block in the state of cloud computing. Also, if you are reading this you probably are a business minded person who has a commendable understanding of Information Technology and the works, so I'll get straight down to business.
What I mean by business here, is welcoming you to the latest addition (our very own Content Management System) to our suite of cloud based business applications for Small and Medium enterprises. I'm sure that by now most readers will already have and understanding of what a Content Management System (CMS) is, therefore I will not bore any of you further by going into details about what and how a CMS works. I'd like to talk about one of the features that ZoomBAcloud's CMS gives to the user.
That feature, Ladies and Gentlemen and those who like to be in between, is the 'Click-to-edit' feature. For the information of the reader, I am not a technical IT person. Rather, I am a more of a marketing oriented person who doesn't care how the job is done as long as the job is done (and no laws are broken). I'm sure most of the businesses who are interested in ZoomBAcloud's CMS will also be of the same mindset which is why I thought it important to write this blog from the average businessman/woman's point of view.
Most of the other CMS's are pretty easy to use once you have mastered the technical jargon and managed to configure it to what ever settings required to run your business website. ZoomBAcloud CMS, however on the on the other hand, is high-leveled up to match the understandings of those who are directly involved with the marketing activities of the business organization. So in short, the updating and managing of your websites need not be handled by a technical person and as a result, good ideas are not lost in communicating 'the message' between the marketing person and the website guy.
At this point I must say I'm pretty confused. I'm pretty confused on how do I write a blog post about it since using the CMS is so much easier than actually reading a blog post about it, trying to process what ever I'm trying to say about and then deciding on whether or not it is worth your time to check out ZoomBAcloud CMS.
So for what it's worth I'm gonna give a shot at trying to explain the 'click to edit' feature. Basically, if your website is running on ZoomBAcloud's CMS platform, all you need to do to edit/update and whatever else it is that may tickle your fancy (;-), is click on the relevant bit of information and voilĂ the information is open for editing (don't forget to save it once you're done with it).
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above: screen shot of a website |
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above: editing in progress via ZoomBAcloud CMs |
So without further ado, I recommend you visit ZoomBAcloud, sign up and try it out for free. I'm gonna go take a break now and figure out how best I can write about the simplicity of ZoomBAcloud's CMS without confusing you and more importantly, me!
Feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, criticism and what ever else it is that you may want say, in the comments section below. Cheers!
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